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How To Apply

To apply to become a model with Industry Model Management, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Please only submit natural pictures. Professional pictures are not necessary.
  2. Do not send photos that have been filtered or edited in any way.
  3. Send a front-facing headshot and a full-length image.
  4. Please do not submit photos of yourself in underwear.
  5. Please do not wear make-up, sunglasses or hats in your headshot.
  6. Make sure to include your height and where you are based in your application.
  7. Please send your application to the email address below. Do not send downloadable links.


If you do not hear back from us within 7 working days, then unfortunately, your application has been unsuccessful. If we do get in touch via email, it will always come from an official industrymodels email account or our Instagram @IndustryModels

Industry Model Management are proud members of the BMFA: British Fashion Model Agency Association and takes pride in looking after the safety and wellbeing of our models and creatives.